As of the entry into force of Spanish Law 57/1997 on the Electricity Sector, and thanks to the deregulation process it introduces, the company diversified into other branches of activity, such as the sale and generation of electrical energy. The decade of the 1990s was the springboard for the Electra Norte group, specialized in electricity generation from renewable energy sources.
In 2000, Electra Norte founded, together with other independent distributors, the state-owned sales company Nexus Energía with the aim of creating a single energy purchasing network that would facilitate competition with the large dominant electricity companies in the sector. Nexus Energía is currently one of the independent sales companies with the largest market share in Spain and is the leader in representing the photovoltaic energy market.
In 2009, in compliance with the obligation to separate electricity distribution and sales activities, Electra de Carbayín stopped selling energy to the end consumer and the sales activity was taken over by the group's main brand, Electra Norte. From that point forward, Electra de Carbayín acts solely as a distributor.
Starting in 2017, Electra Norte decided to expand its geographical scope of action, and any customer who wishes to do so - regardless of his or her location within the Principality of Asturias - can contact Electra Norte to set up a gas and electricity supply contract through its subsidiary, Nexus Energía, with which it acts as exclusive mediating agent in Asturias.